Back pain or spinal pain is something which all of us suffer from at one point or the other. Almost 90% of the individuals in the country suffer from back pain one time or the other in their life and amongst these 90%, almost 50% of them suffer from it more than once.
One need to understand the back pain is not a disease in itself but symptom that signals towards another disease or condition of the spine. Usually back pain when not serious tends to get better on its own or with conservative treatment in about two months (in almost 90% of people even those who are suffering from nerve root irritation). However, in certain cases where the root cause of the back pain is serious, you may need to consult a doctor and get on with a proper back pain treatment program. Back pain that last less than a month is known as acute back pain and if its lasts for two months or more it is known as chronic pain.

Back pain is usually treated with the help of conservative treatment options that include:
- Exercises
- Physical therapy
- Manual therapy
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Alexander technique
- Facet Joint Injection
- Epidural Injections
- Heat and Ice Therapy
Back surgery is only considered as an option when these non-surgical back pain treatment programs fail to improve the condition of the patient.
Often it is very difficult for people to find the right back pain treatment help as they lack the right connection and expertise. Our Dallas back pain information resources can provide informative articles for those of you who seek help with your back pain in Dallas and across the country. Our resource center help you to understand and manage your spinal problems in the most self-sufficient manner by providing you health news, spinal articles, latest tips and information on spine care through blogs as well as doctors advice on several different back conditions and spine pain.
Now get the care of the best back specialists and surgeons with just a click of the button and be well on your way to a healthy road. Call us on (888) 779-8716) or fill out the form to the right and we promise to do the best for you and your spine.